Having Fun or Enjoying Yourself


Is there a difference?


Went to a bar last night with my daughter and her husband. There was live entertainment, a guy with a guitar and a decent singing voice who told some good jokes as he bantered with the crowd.

A couple times during the evening my daughter asked me if I was having fun. I replied in the affirmative, “yes I am having fun”.

But I thought about it a bit.  The two young ladies sitting at the other side of the horseshoe shaped bar seemed to be having fun, they were laughing heartily and smiling. The baldish man with what appeared to be a diamond stud in each ear seemed to be having fun. He made a quick hit on my daughter until he saw she was holding my hand. He then quickly bought the two young laughing ladies a drink. Before I could give it another thought he was over there standing between the two, bobbing his head joyfully to the music as they hand fed him French fries.

The lady who stood in front of the singer doing her best at gyrating to the music being played, as she listened to the double entrée jokes being made. At her expense? Maybe, maybe not, she was having fun.

I laughed out loud at a couple of the jokes, they were funny. Not sure if I laughed to convince my daughter I was having fun or it was actually spontaneous laughter. I know it wasn’t forced.

I did not jump up and wave my arms or clap my hands in fun but, all in all the evening was an enjoyable experience for me.

So my question still lies unanswered. Having fun or enjoying yourself, is there a difference?