“We Want Our Country Back!”

This phrase has been heard frequently from tea party folk.
As an old fart, I ask “What country are you referring to?”
Are you speaking of the country of my youth, the late 50s and the early 60s?
The country where a man could work 40 hours a week and provide for himself and his family.
The country where the government was working to serve and protect ALL the people.
The country where young boys played baseball together in public parks and school yards.
Or based on current actions in the United States perhaps you are referring to even further back.
The country of 100 or so years back.
A country that had an environment that brought on the poems/songs such as “Strange Fruit”.

In 1999, Time magazine called this song the song of the century.
A recent study from Princeton suggests we no longer live in a Democracy, we are now living in an oligarchy where the wealthy few make the rules.
Based on this study and the recent actions by some police in this country, it appears we are in dire need for another “song of the century”.
And in conclusion I have to ask my tea party friends, what country is it that you want back?
Enjoy the song and think about what you really want for our once great country.

Just “funnin” today

Meanwhile at Penn GSE
While working on obtaining their doctorate in linguistics at Penn GSE, students are working on developing a new swear word. We are all familiar with damn, hell and shit but this word has been so overused and abused that it is now imperative that the students create a profanity to replace the overused “fuck”.
This profanity once held high esteem amongst English speaking cursers worldwide. However once Hollywood became aware of the shock value of the word, they not only used if profusely but actually abused the word. There was a time when the use of this word meant something. You weren’t screwing around dammit, you were dead serious about the point being made. Now it has been diminished to just another aw shucks or geeze word.
The word has reached the level of commonality only previously achieved by phrases, such as “have a nice day” and “ya know”.
Not since Rhett Butler’s “Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn”, has a phrase or word been so overused and abused in American communications.
So my friends, please join me in wishing the students well in their pursuit.
Have a nice day. 😉
Link to school where you can get your doctorate in linguistics.

The Easy Chair

Frequently get into texting discussions with a brother that lives 100 miles south of me here in Michigan. He is kind of a smart alecky guy and tries to get under my skin on various topics.
One day I mentioned to him that I was sitting back in my easy chair relaxing. Well, he went ballistic on me. “What the hell are you talking about easy chair?” he texted me. “That phrase hasn’t been used in years, they are recliners.”
Well I tried to use reason with him, telling him it has been a custom for years for a man to come home after a hard day’s work, sit back in his easy chair and relax. He insists on using the term designed by marketeers in the furniture industry and call it a recliner. Stubborn brother he is.
This debate has carried on for months now. I frequently use the acronym RIMECLMAO. Rolling In My Easy Chair Laughing My Ass Off, when I want to bug him just a bit.
Today I went so far as to provide him the link to the Eagles song “Take it Easy”

I told him to listen to the song. They don’t sing “take it reclining”, they sing “take it easy”.
If you happen to see my brother on the street, tell him to “take it easy.”
Thanks, and have a good day my friends.

“Socialism O Muerte”

And the right wing bias of the main stream media was evident again last night.
Scott Pelley of CBS news’s 60 minutes spent some time in Cuba for his piece on the change in U.S. relations with Cuba.
Pelley made it a point to point out the dismal living conditions in Communist Cuba. Displaying the food coupons given to everyone each month and explaining how the coupons would only provide enough food for about 10 days.
He also displayed the above motto “socialism o muerte” painted on walls more than once during the segment.
This, not too subtle reference to the woes of living in a socialistic/communistic society, is just another example of the control of our media by the oligarchs of the world.
Why don’t they have a segment showing the benefits of living in a socialist society of the following countries?
• China
• Denmark
• Finland
• Netherlands
• Canada
• Sweden
• Norway
• Ireland
• New Zealand
• Belgium
Iink to source….
Or better yet why don’t they have a segment on poverty in America?
They could show signs painted on walls stating “Capitalism is King”
Then they could interview the people that are receiving $15 a month in food stamps.
They could talk about how child poverty is among the worst in developed countries in America.
Come on CBS and 60 minutes and Scott Pelley, give us the complete story, enough of this right wing bullshit.
Link to poverty in America data…..

This one may be wonky, but you should read it anyway

The Memes of Facebook
Not a day goes by when we fail to see a meme on Facebook condemning one minority group or another.
Yesterday’s jewel consisted of a comparison to how illegal immigrants are treated in North Korea, Afghanistan and Iran with how they are treated in the United States.
Just briefly reading the statement leads one to feel anger at illegal immigrants in America, perhaps even hatred.
But examination into the message finds numerous exaggerations and half-truths.
Example, the statement that immigrants get tax freedom for 7 years when they open a business.
I have heard this more than once from others, and when checking with Snopes.com find it to be false. Yet the urban legend continues.
Why? Why does this continue to be accepted in an educated society?
My thoughts are from the old quote “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” This quote has been falsely attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister. Actual source unknown.
That quote may explain the why of these hateful memes are being accepted.
Asking why these falsehoods are being constantly placed before us one reaches the conclusion they are being shared for the sole purpose of creating unrest and resentment towards our fellow man.
This action will occupy our minds to an extent that we overlook the real villains, the real cause of our pain and suffering.
The real villains being the wealthy Wall Street banksters and other members of the “one percent.”
We have seen study after study showing the wealth of America has gone increasingly to the “one percent” in the last 30-40 years. So much so that, income inequality in America has reached a point of shame.
So my friends, if you find yourself struggling and/or lamenting the woes of making it in today’s economic world, look not at those with less than you, look instead at those with almost all the wealth in the world. They are in fact the real villains here.
This is the meme that we should all be sharing on our pages….

Economic and social justice for all is our goal.

“They provided liquidity”

That is what a young Republican said to me one day last summer when I was questioning the value of big banks.
The comment stumped me at that time and I fell silent. The conversation turned to something less volatile than politics and a good time was had by all.
It was later that I thought to myself “what the hell is liquidity, is it something we can eat?”
Yes, that’s what I should have said, rather than going silent.
Well now in the cold of winter, I think I may understand what he meant. And I still don’t like it.
Recalling the nervousness experienced when for the first time in my life I applied for a loan to purchase a home. I remember filing the application and being interviewed by bank personal. I remember having to bring pay stubs and other supporting documents. I remember being told the committee would look at my application and I should hear from them within a week.
Fast forward 50 years and a young man of my acquaintance that is working a seasonal job grooming the greens on a golf course excitedly tells me the mortgage broker told him he is pre-qualified for a $250,000 home loan. My less than heartfelt congratulations are accepted with an idealistic smile and a thank you.
Ah so, that’s what the young Republican was talking about when he said liquidity.
Shortly thereafter the crash came, the big banks had gambled themselves into a hole so deep it took the taxpayers of the United States to bail their asses out.
Many young people, like my friend, found themselves upside down in their houses. Some in such dire straits that they lost their homes and eventually found themselves in bankruptcy court. With no government bailout available they did not fare as well as the big banks.
Our government reacted to this situation by passing the Dodd-Frank law. A law designed to eliminate government bailouts of big banks gambling losses.
Last week the Republicans in congress, have passed a government funding bill with a rider in it designed to again finance big bank gambling. Note…. This was done with the help of some scoundrels that call themselves Democrats. And will most likely be signed into law by Democratic (?) President Obama.
It is time we all join hands and unite our voices in our objection to this Wall Street controlled government.

Satanic Group to bring Holiday display to Lansing

Already we see much shock and anger based on this action.
Good people are expressing disgust with this action.
As for me, I have to ask, where do we draw the line on religious freedom?
The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of privately held corporations in their pursuit of using their religious beliefs as a reason to withhold health care benefits from their employees.
The Westboro Baptists routinely picket funerals of our veterans with impunity.
A Florida preacher burns or threatens to burn Qurans based on his religious beliefs.
A religious fanatic in the U.S. shoots and kills a doctor because of his religious beliefs.
And we all remember the angst when they went about building a mosque in New York City.
And those are just a few things I remember in the United States, I am sure you remember others.
We have people in Africa being killed for being gay. This as a result of American proselytizers spreading their hate.
In Pakistan religious fanatics invade a school and kill over 100 children.
In the mid-east religious wars rage on with beheadings and poison gasses.
When does this stop and where does it end?
Here is a link to video regarding the satanic display in Lansing…
How about today as a gesture of goodwill we all hug a member of another faith or even another ethnic background?
Let us all work to make the world a more loving place.
Enough of this religious hatred already!

Christmas Gift List

Normally this list is not created and completed so early in the year but with all the activities taking place, it should be taken off the plate.
In light of that statement here is my list.
Most Democratic elected officials …. A backbone
Most Republican elected officials….. A heart
President Obama…. Strength in the upcoming year
Mitch McConnell…. Ears that hear from both sides
Harry Reid… A plan
John Boehner…. Control
Nancy Pelosi… Stamina
Rick Snyder…. Eyes that are open
Millennials…. Hope for the future and Involvement in the process
Minorities… Equality
Tea Party… Freedom from the oligarchs that control you
Family and friends…. My love and support in all your efforts.

This is just a brief list of things that come to my mind this morning. Please feel free to add your gift list to these via comments.
Thank you