Just a few silly thoughts today

Scared the hell out of myself this morning…

Stepped out of the shower and saw a saggy old fart looking at me.  Momentary shock until I realized I was looking in the mirror.

“Moanin” Joe big news this morning..

NBA basketball player comes out; As far as I can tell everybody but the pope has come out in support of this guy?  Have not heard from Limbaugh yet so I would guess the republicans are waiting for instructions on how to respond.

Local television shows people complaining about pot holes in the roads. Damn socialists, if they want the holes in the roads patched they should get up off their duffs and patch them. Some people want the government to bail their butts out all the time.

And now a story about how the government wants to raise rates for water. We pay taxes water should be free, unless you are a member of Nestle’s board of directors in which case water is or should be a for profit commodity.

Speaking of for profit enterprises, did you see where that judge got 28 years for sending kids to private prisons on a for profit basis?  Geeze, can’t a guy make an honest living in this country anymore? We should be praising this guy for his entrepreneurial spirit.

From the Great Depression to the Great Recession

The presentation last Saturday regarding unions in America continues to linger in my thoughts.

From the Great Depression to the Great Recession was the term used to describe this presentation.

The first thing that excited this old guy was the slide showing the similarities of our country’s economy in the late 1920s early 1930s to the current conditions.

Concentration of wealth at the top

Massive unemployment of the working class

Union membership at the lowest level in years

In the 30s they had “Hoovervilles” and soup lines

Today we have repossessed homes sitting empty and never ending unemployment checks

Hoover did recognize the dire condition of the economy, but thought it was a cyclical thing and the only thing of real economic importance was a balanced budget

Sound familiar to you?

The main theme of this presentation was unionism and to make a point here I am going to include an exact somewhat lengthy quote.

George Barnett.  Economist, Presidential Address to the American Economics Association

“American trade unionism is slowly being limited in influence by changes which destroy the basis on which it is erected. It is probable the changes in the law have adversely affected unionism. Certainly the growth of large corporations has done so. But… over and above these influences, the relative decline in the power of trade unionism is due to occupational changes and to technological revolution.

The changes—occupational and technological—which checked the advance of trade unionism in the last decade appear likely to continue in the same direction. It is hazardous to prophesy, but I see no reason to believe that American trade unionism will so revolutionize itself within a short period of time as to become in the next decade a more potent social influence than it has been in the past decade.”

This presidential address was made in 1932!

And then came 1936 and the famous sit down strike in Flint Michigan.  Details of which were explained at length in the presentation; details that were both interesting and eye opening to this observer.

The explanation and slides of the Flint sit down strike made this program worth the time and effort to attend in and of itself. It is like a movie that you want to see again knowing you will get more out of it with additional viewings.

The presentation was by a gentleman named David Reynolds a labor educator from Wayne State University.



Off Topic… I suspect I may have snagged a troll, watch for more.

James Corbett – The Corbett Report – The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost – 24 April 2013

A more detailed piece of my short blogs re the war on terror and the Boston bombings.

Lucas 2012 Infos

JamesCorbett4Link to podcast video/audio

By James Corbett
April 24, 2013

It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever.

View original post 562 more words

We went to a Detroit Tiger ball game last week

As always we pulled into the handicap parking area directly across the street from the main entrance to the stadium. The attendant asked if we wanted to park in front row. I responded yes and he told me to open the trunk for inspection. This request was surely brought on by the bombing in Boston.

Now as an old grey haired fart hooked up to an oxygen tank I hardly fit the profile of a terrorist bomber. At least that’s what I think.

Lovely wife and others have commented “Better safe than sorry” and “I do not mind giving up a little freedom for safety’s sake”.

In discussing this incident with a couple last night they shared these thoughts. Many in America got all upset with the Patriot act.  Well it is just a fact of life and we are going to have to learn to live with it.

Some years back a group of rebels from Chechnya invaded a school house killing many children. I commented on this event with “What do you suppose Putin and/or Russia could have done to these people to make them perform such atrocious acts?”

I was duly chastised for not condemning the thugs who had done such a dastardly deed.  Of course I responded with a statement explaining my sentiments were not with the thugs they were just meant to open up a discussion of what actions would provoke such a violent re-action.

And this brings me full circle to asking what actions are we doing to cause the continual attempts at terror attacks? Not only here in America but worldwide attacks.

After some thought my conclusion is the so called war on terror may be a major cause.

Carrying this thought process further reaches this.  How about we change tactics? How about instead of a war on terror we have a war on economic inequality?

This is not a suggestion we feed the world, this is a suggestion we work to help the world feed itself. Of course we could start right here in America by helping to educate the less fortunate

We could provide training for the millions who have lost their jobs to outsourcing.

There are many other methods we could implement worldwide using both private and government resources to help eliminate poverty.

These actions would do much more to extinguish the anger so prevalent in the world today then all the drones we can build, don’t you think?

Austerity is not the answer

“Michigan’s economy will not improve until we find a way to get some of the wealth to the middle class.”

On a daily basis we see stories of how local governments are cutting back on essential services.

Layoffs of first responders is the last resort in balancing local budgets and it is taking place right now.

We hear of local schools continuing to cut back, merge districts and closing schools in an effort to stay within their budgets.

Both of these bad news stories are rooted in a condition that has been going on and growing in the United States for the past 30/40 years.

That condition is the transferring of wealth from the middle class to the upper class that then transfer it to the Cayman Islands or some other off shore accounts to avoid taxes.

The primary cause of this is corporate powers taking control of our government at the national, state and local levels.

Bay City, Michigan recently discarded a prevailing wage condition in contracts with private contractors.  These will most likely result in lower wages for the workers; if this will save the city any money is yet to be determined.

At the state level, Michigan joined other states in passing a right to work (for less) law resulting in eventual elimination of unions and/or decreasing their power.

At the national level the U.S. Supreme Court has declared corporations to be people.

Our government and the MSM have fallen for the austerity push as promoted by the Simpson-Bowles commission.

Simpson Bowles findings were based on a flawed study as explained in the link.

Link exposing fallacy of Reinhart/Rogfoff study


And here is a link that shows the results of following the austerity plan in Europe.


As these links show, the actions of austerity taking place in this world, based on a flawed study, are not working.

The opening quote in this blog is something I said to some Republican friends a few years back while discussing our state’s economy. The same quote could probably be used for the whole world; what do you think?

The freedoms we have as Americans?

Have you ever heard one of those right wing characters saying “The reason the Muslims hate us so much is they’re jealous of our freedoms?”  Yes and so have I.

And I always wonder what freedoms they are talking about?

Freedom of Assembly, and freedom of speech?


Voting rights?


Freedom of religion?

Snippet “With this in mind, Rep. Frank Wolf, R.-Va., and Rep. Anna Eshoo, D.-Calif, have proposed that the U.S. State Department have a special envoy for vulnerable religious minorities. (The idea has a precedent, as Wolf has pointed out; already, the U.S. has a Sudan special envoy and a North Korea envoy to monitor human-rights violations.)

Govtrack.us gives the bill only a 26 percent chance of getting past committee, and a 7 percent chance of being enacted.”

Full article link..


We could go on but, if you look you will find the corporate powers running this country have infringed on every basic right we have in our bill of rights in one way or another;  With the glowing exception of their cherished right to have killing tools.

These words are of course my opinion. If you disagree with them feel free to comment or send me email at larryjben@gmail.com

Late post today and sort of off the wall

A wise lady from Canada posts a daily blog under the name notestoponder. I read her blog daily as it is always both interesting and entertaining.

This led me to thinking of something that I have pondered occasionally in the past.

Have you ever wondered why a squirrel will run both ways when crossing a street?  I mean the little critter can be 3/4s of the way across and upon sensing an oncoming vehicle will reverse direction and head back to where the journey began.

What is it in this pea sized brain that causes the squirrel to run back 20 or 30 feet rather than continuing on the 5 or 10 feet to safety?  Occasionally this action leads to the critter becoming a dinner for various birds.

Giving this some thought I am thinking perhaps it is a natural instinctive reaction, when confronted with a perplexing condition retreat to a safe place?

This led me to think perhaps we as humans have similar instinctive reactions? When confronted with perplexing situations do we retreat to safety?  Do we pop open the Bible or a beer? Do we turn on the television or join our friends in cheerful banter?

We cannot overlook the fact that many of our actions are strongly influenced by outside forces. It may be lifetime learning or a barrage of media sensationalism.

The invasion of Iraq is an example of the latter. And the Boston bombing is another example.

How do we respond when we hear our government is creating laws that take away our voting rights?

How do we respond when we hear our government is creating laws that continue to make survival of the weakest among us more difficult?

There are additional activities by our government that we should respond to in more aggressive actions then just running back to our personal safety nets.

Next time you are confronted by such a situation do not be a squirrel, get up and do something about it!

The bombs went off in Boston and then…

Like bees to a freshly bloomed honeysuckle, reporters from every news outlet in America assaulted the street corners of Boston.

They buzzed incessantly hoping to get a smidgen of news, the nectar for their ratings gods; gods which they humbly serve.

Reporters waved frantically to get our attention so they could tell us “there is something happening here, we don’t know what but we do know something is happening.”

I waited patiently for Buffalo Springfield’s “Stop children what’s that sound” to fire up as background music.

And then the suspects were either captured or killed..

The networks went to step two.

Find and interview people who were, in any stretch of the imagination, attached to either the suspects or the victims.

The local stations not to be outdone in this ratings bonanza were quick to find local residents who had participated in the race; each one having a “if I had been a minute (earlier/later)” story.

Along with this came the national display of patriotism, with a group sing along of “Sweet Caroline”.

 This was followed closely by “Run for Boston” events.

Now then….

Ninety percent of what transpired here was just plain bullshit.  Whenever an event like this occurs in America corporate boards ask the question. How can we profit from this? Or in some cases how can we control our losses?

Gun sales did surge again after the event giving the NRA and Walmart great joy. Walmart exes were reportedly smiling as they conferred on where best to stash their annual bonuses.

The profit motive for news distributers is obvious but, what does major league baseball have to do with the events?  And why do we need all these run for Boston rallies?

As I said 90 percent bs, the 10 percent is the reporting of the event and any additional actual facts.

If, we as a nation want to hold run for rallies and join hands while singing  Kumbaya to show our support for the victims of tragic events, perhaps we should all do so in honor of the 80 plus people in our country that die EACH day because of gunshot wounds.


Reactions to the bombing in Boston


This was the chant shown on national television after the capture of the bombing suspect in Boston last week.

This brings to question, why this chant? Was it provoked by a single individual? Was it the only thing they could come up with?

I do recall seeing and hearing the same chant after Obama got Osama but this was more understandable as Osama had indeed orchestrated a deadly attack on the USA.

While there are many questions left to be answered, the bombing in Boston does not appear to me to be an attack on the USA.

It appears to me to be more of an attack on society and its current set of values and morals.

Have we citizens of the U.S. become so ego-centric that we now think any terrorist type activity is an attack on America?

Turn on any network or cable news show and you will see stories concerning goings on in America. Not a word about the rest of the world.

Oh there may be something about a new Pope being elected or very often we see something about Britain’s royal family but for the most part everything is about us.

While the U.S. is still the most powerful and *richest nation on earth, we are in fact a small portion of this worlds human existence.

*richest is strictly a monetary term, the way we treat our poor, our veterans and our elderly could create a question pertaining to our actual value.

A term I have not heard recently is “Freedom of the press”.  With 90 percent of our news outlets, both paper and electronic, being owned and controlled by 5 or 6 large corporations we do not have “Freedom of the press”. Perhaps this is the reason for our ego-centric thoughts.

And with the Koch brothers intended multimillion dollar purchase of newspapers in this country the situation will only get worse.

Latest data I could find says there are 81 gun deaths in America every day. Where are the runs  about this condition?

Related links…



We don’t need no dang gubmint regulators here

There are times when it matters not how smart we are

There are times when it matters not how rich we are

There are times when it matters not how powerful we are

These are the times when we let human characteristics like greed and lust take over

and these are the times when we must look to, and follow outside guidelines, rules and regulations .

The recent explosion in Texas is an example one of these times.

Texas, a state that tried to secede from the United States less than a year ago is now asking for United States help in cleaning up a private enterprise’s mess.

This is a state that features two senators that voted against aid for the northeast after hurricane Sandy. Seems they consider natural disasters something that should be handled locally but, private investment should be bailed out by your tax dollars.

This is a state that carries its personal responsibility with pride? Controlled by states rights activists this state wants less government regulation.

As an aside this state also boasts proudly the fact that it holds the record for most legalized murder in the country. This record is being challenged by Florida with their “if someone pisses you off shoot em law.” But I am going off track here, back to the message.

Texas’s distrust of anything federal is the most likely reason for the lack of any OSHA inspection for the last 15 years. And not having an inspection allowed conditions such as is discussed in the link.

Link to texas thing


And Jeff Liebmann has a good blog again at this link…
