ISIS is Winning This War!




Sweet little ladies now feel they must be packing heat in order to be safe.

FBI tells us. If we see something, say something.

Shades of the Soviet Union; neighbors squealing on neighbors, brothers on brothers, parents on children and children on parents.

Christian leaders telling their flock to arm themselves and eliminate Muslims. Jim Jones lives!

Elected government officials saying it is ok for terrorists to purchase assault weapons.

This is so very sad, this America we all used to feel safe in is now much like a mid-eastern country with daily shoot outs and knifings.

This condition brought on by corporate controlled main stream media and their compliance with the Oligarchs trying to scare us into insanity.

Based on what I am reading in social media, many have already been scared into that state of insanity.

And all so the Koch Brothers and their kind can increase their wealth.

Oh, what a sorry time we are living in.