ISIS is Winning This War!




Sweet little ladies now feel they must be packing heat in order to be safe.

FBI tells us. If we see something, say something.

Shades of the Soviet Union; neighbors squealing on neighbors, brothers on brothers, parents on children and children on parents.

Christian leaders telling their flock to arm themselves and eliminate Muslims. Jim Jones lives!

Elected government officials saying it is ok for terrorists to purchase assault weapons.

This is so very sad, this America we all used to feel safe in is now much like a mid-eastern country with daily shoot outs and knifings.

This condition brought on by corporate controlled main stream media and their compliance with the Oligarchs trying to scare us into insanity.

Based on what I am reading in social media, many have already been scared into that state of insanity.

And all so the Koch Brothers and their kind can increase their wealth.

Oh, what a sorry time we are living in.

Bernie Sanders for President?

Senator Bernie Sanders threw his hat in the ring today as a Democratic candidate for president of the United States.
As a progressive Democrat, I support Senator Sanders in this effort.

My concerns in this are many.
Senator Sanders will be painted as a socialist, communist? By the main stream media, Wall Street and the wealthy. This is a mighty force and they have unlimited funding behind them.
Senator Sanders does not always come off well in his public appearances as displayed already last night on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Where videos of Senator Sanders were played showing him addressing the senate.
Disregarding the visual and listening to the Senator and his views on the issues should be enough to sway the people to liking him and his proposals but, can we expect the general public to disregard the visuals?
For the record Senator Sanders is opposed to citizens united. He is opposed to TPP. He is opposed to the high cost of education for our children. Senator Sanders is for expanding Social Security and Medicare.
Senator Sanders has many other positions that ring a bell in my chapel. Check him out and join me in supporting him.
*Note. Senator Sander’s entry into this race if nothing else, will highlight the needs of our country and require a response from Hillary and the Republicans and that in itself is a worthy cause.
Should Senator Sanders lose the primary to Hillary, this voter will give full support to Hillary.

Koch Brothers Now Interviewing Prospects for President

It is now public knowledge that these two Libertarian/John Birchers are interviewing candidates for their appointment to the presidency of the United States.
They have already stated their preference of Scott Walker. He is a good puppet and follows rules dutifully as he has shown us in Wisconsin.
But to be fair they have opened their doors to other potential candidates.
Criteria for selection include a willingness to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. This is in line with the brothers training as baby John Birchers.
Elimination of taxes for wealthy folks would be a plus for any possible candidate, so keep this in mind if you are considering applying.
Another topic they favor is climate change deniers. Science be dammed, we want more profits.
Social issues are not really important but anything anti-gay will be a plus on your resume as a vote getter.
Like I said, Walker has the inside track here but, if you can tastefully express hate for any and all minorities and/or poor people, you may be able to get a hearing.
Competition is expected to be fierce so apply now for the $900 million prize.
Thank you for reading and please reply if you have made an appointment with the brothers.

American Workers Continue to Struggle

As it is well known the United States has outsourced most, if not all manufacturing jobs, in pursuit of lower wages and increased corporate profits.
In addition to this, there is resistance to America’s primary economic stimulus program… WAR!
This has led to a declining economy that has had adverse results for middle class workers. Albeit the extremely wealthy are doing well.
America now relies on minimum wage workers to carry the load and keep the economy rolling along.
Learned economic leaders have recognized this condition and have instituted a new program designed to keep our economy robust and vibrant.
America has embarked on a new money generator. Namely, perpetual political campaigns.
This activity shows promise for various reasons. The corporate controlled main stream makes enormous profits from political advertising, both obvious and hidden ads by secret groups are profit cows.
This also gives billionaires another way to play with their money. Currently they just buy professional sports teams and have taxpayers build them stadiums.
The billionaires can now also buy their own politicians, and again, the taxpayers pay the bills.
China’s slave labor may be the best source for our I-Phones but for good old corruption and greed you cannot beat America’s oligarchs.

Scott Walker’s plan to take down ISIS

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has divulged his plan to take down ISIS. Using a method of divide and conquer he will pass a law giving ISIS members the right to not pay dues. This effort has proven successful in undermining unions and Walker is convinced it will work with the20,000 members of ISIS.
Walker also has a backup plan provided to him by the Koch brothers. This would include requiring picture IDs for any and all members wishing to behead any opponent. While this move is questionable, it does have hidden benefits.
Namely, photographers would reap massive profits from creating the ids. And if we have their pictures we can more easily identify them as bad guys.

Still cold in this part of the world, keep warm my friends, keep warm.

One Thing I Like About Hillary

Hillary Clinton the anointed one. The presumptive Democratic nominee for President in 2016.
Personally the thing that really thrills me about this lady is the way she makes the hair stand up on the back of the neck of right wing misogynists. 🙂
Having said that, let me share an item I just came across on Facebook. This story typifies the ignorance we are up against in our efforts at regaining control of our government from the Oligarchs.

This has to do with the power of the Koch brothers in controlling the minds of the masses.

A snip from the story here….
“I’m skeptical of government-run programs,” said Louis Stans, a retired engineer who was part of the AFP group. Medicare, Stans said, was “better” and he had “paid into it my whole life.”
Full story here……
As you can see it is a mighty hill we must climb. But climb we will my friends, climb we will!

Should be Interesting for a few years

With the Koch brothers now in complete control of a majority of state governments and the legislative branch of the national government, we should expect some drastic changes.
In Michigan, Governor Snyder has shirked his responsibility and put aside a decision as to repairing the infrastructure until next spring. Snyder and the Republican controlled legislators have decided to put any difficult decisions up for a vote. (If the people are going to make the decisions, why do we need a government?)
IMHO this decision will be to not raise taxes to pay for road repairs and additional infrastructure maintenance. However a well-planned and aggressive advertising blitz may convince the voting public to do the governor’s job for him.

More interesting will be the goings on in Washington D.C. where the Koch brother’s legislative branch will set forth on their instructed efforts of dismantling the government.

They have such lofty goals as:
Removal of the minimum wage.
Make the United States a right to work (for less) nation
Privatize Social Security
Approval of the Keystone pipeline
Elimination of public education
Elimination of Medicare and Medicaid, you can swap chickens for health care
They will not touch the abortion issue as this will continue to be a strong get out the vote incentive.

It will be fun for us political junkies to watch closely, as President Obama uses his veto power on many of these controversial bills.
So my friends, get ready for a couple of raucous years.
And stay tuned for further developments. 😉

My Post election rant

Oh Wow! Big Money wins again.
Well the 2014 mid-term elections are a done deal. As the prognosticators told us, the Republicans, with the full support of the Koch brothers and others with similar wealth, spanked us. The spanked us bad, they spanked us like an NFL player disciplining a child.
After the 2010 mid-terms I was filled with anger. I was mad as hell at myself and fellow Democrats for sitting back and resting on our laurels after our win in the general election of 2008. My anger was expressed at various gatherings at that time.
Now we have experienced another trouncing. But my friends, this time my feelings are of sorrow, the anger no longer exists. I was under the misconception that we had a ground game similar to the game used during the two presidential elections. And believing we would put up a better fight, losing more than we won but holding our ground somewhat. Maybe even throwing out some of the tea party governors that came into power in 2010.
Michigan’s Snyder, Florida’s Scott and Wisconsin’s Walker are three I thought were potential losers. Each for separate but similar reasons.
There were local (Michigan) races that I expected to be close and yet again I was wrong.
The primary reason for the local losses is the massive investment by wealthy pacs in getting their candidates elected. The majority of money spent in television advertising in our markets was from out of state pacs.
A possible second reason is the Democratic Party’s failure to actually get out the vote. The ground game only works if you also provide a reason for the people to vote. Our party failed to get their message to the voters.
And because of this I am laden with a sadness, a sadness that is based on what I expect to take place in our state and our country in the near future.
At the state level I expect to see a continuation of the union busting, a continuation of putting local communities and local school systems into bankruptcy. A continuation of pushing the costs of government services on the struggling workers of our state.
At the national level we can look for efforts to privatize Social Security, a reform of the affordable care act to provide more profit to the healthcare industry and increased expenses to the working class. We can look for implementation of the Keystone pipeline, moving tar sand oil through our farmlands for export to China. We may be looking at more boots on the ground in foreign nations. Supporting our troops?
So my friends, I will not be expressing seething hatred for those in power for the next few years. I will be watching in sadness and occasionally saying “The people have spoken and this is what they want.”
In example, lovely wife found a household item she wanted on sale at a big box store. When she went to purchase item it was sold out. She asked for and received a due bill for item. The due bill expires 30 days after issuance. The expiration date is nearing and as of yet the item is still not available in stores. Lovely wife expressed disgust with the condition. I thought, but did not say, that is the free market way, that is what they want. Corporations can and will do anything they want to increase profits and consumers be dammed. Learn to live with it my friends it ain’t gonna get any better for some time.

Tomorrow is the Day!

Corporate controlled main stream media is telling us the Republicans are going to sweep this election.
Can Democrats defy the talking heads on television? Can we prove them wrong?
Picture this:
A giant chasm with one side populated with the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adleson, the Walton family, the DeVos family and additional billionaires.
The other side is populated with hard working middle class Americans.
You remember the childhood game of tug-a-war? That’s what we have here. A game of tug-a-war.
The chasm is filled with lower wages for working people, diminished voting rights, restrictions on women’s rights, increasing taxes on workers and elimination of both health care and Social Security for seniors.
The billionaires on the other side are using their wealth to pull us into that chasm, we do not have millions of dollars but, we do have millions of votes.
Votes trump dollars!
Working together we can win this tug-a-war and save ourselves from the chasm of a life of despair as described above.
Need help in getting to the polls? Need information about poll locations? We can help.
Call us at (989) 792-9900. Just say “Hey Lar, I need a ride.” 🙂 I’ll be waiting for your call.
Working together we can do this!

Four Days until Mid-term Election

Friends, are we going to let the Koch brothers with their nasty attack ads filled with half-truths and innuendos influence our voting decisions?
No we are not, we are going to vote for the good people that have our interests, our needs and our goals in mind. We are going to throw out the plutocrats and again have a government of, for and by the people.
At least that is what I hope for. 🙂
Thinking back to the last presidential election I recall many Republicans that were convinced that Romney was going to win. So much so that there were numerous displays of shock and disbelief after Obama won. This was followed by anger and eventually the never ending hatred being voiced daily from various sources.
Having spent a lot of time with people that have the same thoughts and values that I do, politically speaking, I am currently cautiously optimistic.
I use the term cautiously optimistic because, if the election does not turn out as I expect, my heart and soul will not become filled with anger and hatred. The results will be accepted and life will go on with continuing efforts to make our community a place where all people can enjoy the fruits of their labors and carry on with their pursuit of happiness.

On the national level I think we Democrats will put a few of the tea party, plutocratic, governors in the unemployment lines. And against what we see on the main stream media, I think the Democratic Party will hold the senate. Or in a worst case scenario end up with a 50-50 senate.
In Michigan I am looking forward to the hard working middle class people rising up and throwing out the right wing plutocrat currently sitting in the governor’s chair in Lansing.
This rising up of the middle class, will result in positive results for many down ticket candidates. So once again we can all join hands and sing Happy Days are here again.
Join me in this effort and the celebration of shaking free from the control of the Koch brothers.
For assistance in voting, ie rides, polling location or any other concerns contact me at larryjben@gmail.com or call your local Democratic Office. (989)792-9900 in Saginaw, Mi.