just feel like agitating today ;)

Saturday in Brisbane Mall-01=

Saturday in Brisbane Mall-01= (Photo credit: Sheba_Also)

Want to shock your friends and family. Want to see looks of dismay and perhaps even anger?

Say something like this at your next family gathering. “I am starting to become somewhat of a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas.”

Ah yes this simple statement will bring tears to children’s eyes, looks bordering on disgust from adults and silent gestures of pity from others.

I did in fact make such a statement recently during our Saturday night BS session. While no children were there displaying tearful faces, some of the other items mentioned were displayed.

The topic was not discussed so I did not get to explain my feelings. Guess it will have to be done here.

Looking at the people camped out at a big box retail outlet waiting to get the best price on an electronic gadget made in China causes me to pause and question the values of these people. Come on friends; take a week of unpaid vacation to save a few bucks on an Xbox?

This time of year people spend money they do not have to purchase items that are not needed.

People have been killed in the rush to get the flat screen tv for only $XXX.XX versus paying $YYY.YY.

People have threatened bodily harm to any clerk that wishes them “Happy Holidays”.

The lady leaving the store with arms full of goodies, bruises from the battle and a credit card full of debt stops for a moment and says “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

Bah Humbug!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah to all.

Doors open at 8: PM, don’t be late. 😉