In Defense of NSA

Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Marylan...

Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. Español: Instalaciones generales de la NSA en Fort Meade, Maryland. Русский: Штаб-квартира АНБ, Форт-Мид, Мэриленд, США (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Never thought I would be defending the National Security Agency after hearing of their actions in spying on us regular folk but…

It has been brought to my attention that NSA has uncovered a group that has been slowing creeping into our society for the past 30 to 40 years.

This group has but one goal and that goal is to destroy America!

Knowing that an armed attack on America would be meant with a force too powerful to beat, this group planned a more subtle, almost silent attack.

The plan was to quietly move into our society joining groups such as the PTA, the Boy Scouts of America and other civic minded organizations. Doing so would allow them to be recognized as “good” citizens.

Once they had infiltrated society enough they continued on their mission by recruiting volunteers to join them in their efforts.

This group also began taking control of the media. This required the expenditure of vast amounts of money but the group was well backed by wealthy individuals and the takeover was actually easier than expected.

Once the media was in their control they began the project of instilling a mistrust of government in the citizens of America. The methods used were subtle and almost undetectable and are still being used today with success.

Ie. After the Zimmerman trial The Stand your Ground law in Florida was in the minds of many. The media coverage of this told us how many states had similar laws, 22 I think. Inferring “well if we have the same law it must be ok.”

Meanwhile the subversives among us continued in their efforts; breaking up unions and any like minded groups that were liable to impede their progress, creating a dislike for almost anything public, education being a primary target.

All of these activities were orchestrated and planned by some of the best human behavior experts available and have been quite successful to date.

They are well trained in their subversive tactics and are progressing well.  Following the plans laid out to them in numerous clandestine meetings behind closed doors.

NSA has used their investigative talents and spying techniques to uncover this dastardly group and has released a statement which includes the name they are currently operating under. They are calling themselves Republicans.


Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden Heroes for sure

Fascism Anyone? The 14 Defining Characteristic...

Fascism Anyone? The 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt (Photo credit: watchingfrogsboil)

Their fight against Fascism is commendable!

These two young men have both been charged with traitorous crimes. Manning is currently being tried, Snowden is on the lamb.

Manning reportedly leaked confidential documents to Julian Assange producer of WikiLeaks.

No one in the government or the military has stated Manning’s action compromised national security.

Snowden reportedly shared classified material on a variety of top secret NSA programs.

Both these men have been condemned by politicians from both sides of the aisle.

President Obama who I worked to get re-elected has come out with criticism of both.

IMHO these men performed actions that were both brave and needed in the world today.

With the main stream media worldwide being under the control of 5 or 6 major corporations, the only way we as citizens of the world can expect to get any transparency is through leaks such as these.

Historical data shows fascism gains control of the media as part of their takeover of a government.

Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation.

Fascists fear foreign people to a point of being xenophobic.

Their efforts also include the elimination of unions, need I say more here?

An in depth explanation of Fascism can be found here.

After reading the link you will be shocked by the similarities with what is going on in America today.

And so my friends look around you and see what is happening in this great country we live in and join me in support of both these brave souls.

You can help, write letters to the editor, share your thoughts on facebook, join with like minded individuals and attend your local party meetings, go to town hall meetings with elected officials and demand to be heard.

Together we can burn some sunshine through the dark oppressive clouds we are living under!

Here is a link to a more detailed story..